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Daily Archives: January 9, 2017

What the Heck is Shadow DOM?

If you build Web sites, you probably use Javascript libraries. If so, you are probably grateful to the nameless heroes who make these libraries not suck. One common problem these brave soldiers of the Web have to face is encapsulation. You know, one of them

15 Must-Know Chrome DevTools Tips and Tricks

15 Must-Know Chrome DevTools Tips and Tricks Danny Markov March 25th, 2015 Google Chrome is the most popular web browser used by web developers today. With a quick six week release cycle and a powerful set of ever expanding developer features turned the browser into

10 Useful Google Chrome DevTools Tutorials

Also known as DevTools, Chrome Developer Tools is an essential component of any frontend developer’s toolkit. Being able to master this handy in-browser tool will greatly enhance your coding workflow. DevTools comes with a great deal of features, and to take advantage of them, it’s

Transitioning from Waterfall to Agile Project Management

Transitioning from Waterfall to Agile Project Management If your organization is looking to realize the time, quality, and cost benefits of agile project management, this course is for you. Agile expert Kelley O’Connell helps those interested in experimenting with agile understand the difference between traditional
