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From Procedural to Object Oriented PHP – Tuts+ Code Tutorial

This tutorial was inspired by a speech given by Robert C.
Martin that I watched a year or so ago. The main subject of his
talk is about the possibility of picking “”>
The Last Programming Language. He addresses topics such as
why should such a language exist? And what it should look like?
However, if you read between the lines, there was another
interesting idea that caught my attention: the limitations that
each programming paradigm imposes upon on us programmers. So
before we get into how we could go about converting a
procedural based PHP app into an object oriented one, I want to
cover a little bit of theory beforehand.

Paradigm Limitations

So, each programming paradigm limits our ability to do whatever
we want to do. Each of them takes something away and provides
an alternative to achieve the same result. Modular programming
takes away unlimited program size. It enforces the programmer
to use maximum sized modules and each module ends with a
“go-to” statement to another module. So the first limitation is
upon size. Then, structured programming and procedural
programming takes away the “go-to” statement and limits the
programmer to sequence, selection and iteration. Sequences are
variable assignments, selections are if-else decisions, and
iterations are do-while loops. These are the building blocks of
most programming languages and paradigms today.

Object oriented programming takes away pointers to functions
and introduces polymorphism. PHP doesn’t use pointers in a way
that C does, but a variant of these pointers to functions can
be observed in “”>
Variable Functions. This allows a programmer to use the
value of a variable as the name of a function, so that
something like this can be achieved:

function foo() {
    echo "This is foo";

function bar($param) {
    echo "This is bar saying: $param";

$function = 'foo';
$function();        // Goes into foo()

$function = 'bar';
$function('test');  // Goes into bar()

This may not look important at first sight. But think about
what we can achieve with such a powerful tool. We can send a
variable as a parameter to a function and then let that
function call the other one, referenced by the value of the
parameter. This is amazing. It allows us to alter the
functionality of a function without it knowing it. Without the
function even noticing any difference.

We actually can do polymorphic calls with this technique as

Now, instead of thinking about what pointers to functions
provide, think about how they work. Aren’t they just hidden
“go-to” statements? Actually, they are, or at least they are
very similar to indirect “go-to”s. Which is not very good. What
we have here is in fact a clever way to do “go-to” without
using it directly. I have to admit that in PHP, as the example
above shows, it is quite easy to understand, but it may get
confusing with larger projects and many different functions
passed from one function to another. In C it is even more
obscure and hideously difficult to understand.

However, just taking away pointers to functions is not enough.
Object oriented programming must provide a replacement, and it
does, in an elegant way. It offers polymorphism with an easy
syntax. And with polymorphism, comes the biggest value object
oriented programming offers: The flow of control is opposed to
the source code dependency.

alt=”dependency_comparison” width=”600″ height=”219″ class=
“alignnone size-full wp-image-32854″/>

In the image above we illustrated a simple example of how
polymorphic calls happen in the two different paradigms. In
procedural or structural programming, the flow of control is
similar to the source code dependency. They both point toward
the more concrete implementation of the printing behavior.

In object oriented programming, we can reverse the source code
dependency and make it point toward the more abstract
implementation, while keeping the flow of control pointing to
the more concrete implementation. This is essential, because we
want our control to go and reach the most possible concrete and
volatile part of our code so that we can get our result exactly
as we want it, but in our source code we want the exact
opposite. In our source code we want the concrete and volatile
stuff to stay out of the way, to be easy to change and to
affect as little as possible of the rest of our code. Let the
volatile parts change frequently but keep the more abstract
parts unmodified. You can read more about the Dependency
Inversion Principle in the “”>original
research paper written by Robert C. Martin.

The Task at Hand

In this chapter we will create a simple application to list out
Google calendars and the events within them. First we will take
a procedural approach, using only simple functions and avoiding
any kind of classes or objects. The application will allow you
to list your Google calendars and events. Then we will take the
problem one step further by keeping our procedural code and
starting to organize it by behavior. Finally we will transform
it into an object oriented version.

PHP Google API Client

Google provides an API client for PHP. We will use it to
connect to our Google account so that we can manipulate
calendars there. If you want to run the code, you must set up
your Google account to accept calendar queries.

Even though this is a requirement for the tutorial, it is not
its main subject. So instead of me repeating the steps you have
to take, I will point you to the right documentation. Don’t
worry, it is very simple to setup and it takes only about five

The PHP Google API client code is included in each project from
the example code attached to this tutorial. I recommend you use
that one. Alternatively, if you are curious about how to
install it yourself, “”>check out the
official documentation.

Then follow the instructions and fill in the information in the
apiAccess.php file. This file will be required by
both the procedural and object oriented examples, so you do not
need to repeat it. I left my keys in there so you can more
easily identify and fill in yours.

If you happen to use NetBeans, I left the project files in the
folders containing the different examples. This way you can
simply open the projects and run them immediately on a local
PHP server (PHP 5.4 is required) by just simply selecting
Run / Run Project.

The client library to connect to the Google API is object
oriented. For the sake of our functional example, I wrote a
small set of functions that wrap in them, the functionalities
we need. This way, we can use a procedural layer written over
the object oriented client library so that our code will not
have to use objects.

If you want to quickly test that your code and connection to
the Google API is working, just use the code below as your
index.php file. It should list all the calendars
you have in your account. There should be at least one calendar
with the summary field being your name. If you
have a calendar with your contact’s birthdays, that one may not
work with this Google API, but don’t panic, just choose another

require_once './google-api-php-client/src/Google_Client.php';
require_once './google-api-php-client/src/contrib/Google_CalendarService.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../apiAccess.php';
require_once './functins_google_api.php';
require_once './functions.php';

$client = createClient();
if(!authenticate($client)) return;

This index.php file will be the entry point to our
application. We won’t use a web framework or anything fancy. We
will just simply output some HTML code.

A Direct Procedural Approach

Now that we know what we’re building and what we’ll be using,
go ahead and download the attached source code. I will provide
snippets from it, but in order to see the whole thing, you’ll
want to have access to the original source.

For this approach, we just want to get things working. Our code
will be organized in a very rudimentary way, with just a few
files, like this:

  • index.php – the only file we access directly
    from the browser and pass to it GET parameters.
  • functions_google_api.php – the wrapper over
    the Google API we talked about above.
  • functions.php – where everything happens.

functions.php will house everything that our
application does. Both the routing logic, the presentations,
and whatever values and behavior may be buried in there. This
application is pretty simple, the main logic is as follows.

alt=”procedural_schema” width=”600″ height=”261″ class=
“alignnone size-full wp-image-32861″/>

We have a single function called doUserAction(),
which decides with a long if-else statement, which
other methods to call based on the parameters in the
GET variable. The methods then connect to Google
calendar using the API and print out to the screen whatever we
want to request.

function printCalendarContents($client) {
        putTitle('These are you events for ' . getCalendar($client, $_GET['showThisCalendar'])['summary'] . ' calendar:');
        foreach (retrieveEvents($client, $_GET['showThisCalendar']) as $event) {
                print('<div style="font-size:10px;color:grey;">' . date('Y-m-d H:m', strtotime($event['created'])));
                putLink('?showThisEvent=' . htmlentities($event['id']) .
                                '&calendarId=' . htmlentities($_GET['showThisCalendar']), $event['summary']);

This example is probably the most complicated function in our
code. It calls a helper function named putTitle(),
which just prints out some formatted HTML for the heading. The
title will contain the name for our calendar which can be
obtained by calling getCalendar() from
functions_google_api.php. The returned calendar
will be an array, containing a summary field. That
is what we are after.

The $client variable is passed all over the place
in all of our functions. It is required to connect to the
Google API. We will deal with this later.

Next, we cycle over all of the events in the current calendar.
This list of arrays is obtained by running the API call
encapsulated in retrieveEvents(). For each event,
we print out the date it was created and then its title.

alt=”events_in_a_calendar” width=”571″ height=”259″ class=
“alignnone size-full wp-image-32855″/>

The rest of the code is similar to what we’ve already discussed
and even easier to understand. Feel free to play around with it
before continuing on to the next section.

Organizing the Procedural Code

Our current code is OK, but I think we can do better and
organize it in a more appropriate way. You can find the project
with the completed organized code under the name
“GoogleCalProceduralOrganized” in the attached source code.

Using a Global Client Variable

The first thing that annoys me about our unorganized code, is
that we are passing this $client variable in as an
argument all over the place, several levels deep within nested
functions. Procedural programming has a clever way to solve
this, a global variable. Since $client is defined
in index.php and in the global scope, all we have
to change is how our functions use it. So instead of expecting
a $client parameter, we can use:

function printCalendars() {
        global $client;
        putTitle('These are your calendars:');
        foreach (getCalendarList($client)['items'] as $calendar) {
                putLink('?showThisCalendar=' . htmlentities($calendar['id']), $calendar['summary']);

Compare the current code to the newly organized code to see the
difference. Instead of passing in $client as a
parameter, we used global $client in all of our
functions and passed it as a parameter only to the Google API
functions. Technically, even the Google API functions could
have used the $client variable from the global
scope, but I think it is better to keep the API as independent
as possible.

Separating Presentation From Logic

Some functions are clearly, only for printing things on the
screen, others are for deciding what to do, and some are a
little bit of both. When this occurs, sometimes it’s best to
move these specific-purpose functions into their own file.
We’ll start with the functions used purely for printing things
to the screen, these will be moved into a
functions_display.php file. See them below.

function printHome() {
        print('Welcome to Google Calendar over NetTuts Example');

function printMenu() {
        putLink('?home', 'Home');
        putLink('?showCalendars', 'Show Calendars');
        putLink('?logout', 'Log Out');

function putLink($href, $text) {
        print(sprintf('<a href="%s" style="font-size:12px;margin-left:10px;">%s</a> | ', $href, $text));

function putTitle($text) {
        print(sprintf('<h3 style="font-size:16px;color:green;">%s</h3>', $text));

function putBlock($text) {
        print('<div display="block">'.$text.'</div>');

The rest of this process of separating our presentation from
logic requires us to extract the presentation part from our
methods. Here is how we did it with one of the methods.

function printEventDetails() {
        global $client;
        foreach (retrieveEvents($_GET['calendarId']) as $event)
                if ($event['id'] == $_GET['showThisEvent']) {
                        putTitle('Details for event: '. $event['summary']);
                        putBlock('This event has status ' . $event['status']);
                        putBlock('It was created at ' .
                                        date('Y-m-d H:m', strtotime($event['created'])) .
                                        ' and last updated at ' .
                                        date('Y-m-d H:m', strtotime($event['updated'])) . '.');
                        putBlock('For this event you have to <strong>' . $event['summary'] . '</strong>.');

Clearly we can see that whatever is inside of the
if statement is just presentation code and the
rest is business logic. Instead of one bulky function handling
everything, we will break it into multiple functions:

function printEventDetails() {
        global $client;
        foreach (retrieveEvents($_GET['calendarId']) as $event)
                if (isCurrentEvent($event))

function isCurrentEvent($event) {
        return $event['id'] == $_GET['showThisEvent'];

After the separation, the business logic is now very simple. We
even extracted a small method to determine if the event is the
current one. All of the presentation code is now the
responsibility of a function named
putEvent($event) which resides in the
functions_display.php file:

function putEvent($event) {
        putTitle('Details for event: ' . $event['summary']);
        putBlock('This event has status ' . $event['status']);
        putBlock('It was created at ' .
                        date('Y-m-d H:m', strtotime($event['created'])) .
                        ' and last updated at ' .
                        date('Y-m-d H:m', strtotime($event['updated'])) . '.');
        putBlock('For this event you have to <strong>' . $event['summary'] . '</strong>.');

Even though this method only displays information, we have to
keep in mind that it depends on intimate knowledge about the
structure of $event. But, this is OK for now. As
for the rest of the methods, they were separated in a similar

Eliminating Long if-else Statements

The last thing that bothers me about our current code is the
long if-else statement in our doUserAction()
function, which is used to decide what to do for each action.
Now, PHP is quite flexible when it comes to meta-programming
(calling functions by reference). This trick allows us to
correlate function names with the $_GET variable’s
values. So we can introduce a single action
parameter in the $_GET variable and use the value
from that as a function name.

function doUserAction() {
        if (!isset($_GET['action'])) return;

Based on this approach, our menu will be generated like this:

function putMenu() {
        putLink('?action=putHome', 'Home');
        putLink('?action=printCalendars', 'Show Calendars');
        putLink('?logout', 'Log Out');

As you can probably see, this reorganization already pushed us
toward an object oriented design. It’s not clear what kind of
objects we have and with what exact behavior, but we have some
clues here-and-there.

We have presentations that depend on data types from the
business logic. This resembles the dependency inversion we were
talking about in the introductory chapter. The flow of the
control is still from the business logic towards presentation,
but the source code dependency started to morph into a reversed
dependency. I would say, at this point it is more like a
bidirectional dependency.

Another hint of an object oriented design is the little bit of
meta-programming we just did. We call a method, which we know
nothing about. It can be anything and it’s like we are dealing
with a low level of polymorphism.

Dependency Analysis

For our current code we could draw a schema, like the one
below, to illustrate the first few steps through our
application. Drawing all the lines would have been too

alt=”organized_procedural_schema” width=”600″ height=”409″ class=
“alignnone size-full wp-image-32860″/>

We marked with blue lines, the procedure calls. As you can see
they flow in the same direction as before. Additionally we have
the green lines marking indirect calls. These are all passing
through doUserAction(). These two types of lines
represent the flow of control, and you can observe that it is
basically unchanged.

The red lines however introduce a different concept. They
represent a rudimentary source code dependency. I mean
rudimentary, because it is not that obvious. The
putMenu() method includes the names of the
functions that have to be called for that particular link. This
is a dependency and the same rule applies to all the other
methods creating links. They depend on the behavior of
the other functions.

A second type of dependency can also be seen here. The
dependency on data. I previously mentioned
$calendar and $event. The printing
functions need to have intimate knowledge about the internal
structure of these arrays to do their jobs.

So after all of that, I think we have plenty of reasons to move
on to our last step.

An Object Oriented Solution

Regardless of the paradigm in use, there is no perfect solution
for a problem. So here is how I propose to organize our code in
an object oriented manner.

First Instinct

We already started to separate concerns in business logic and
presentation. We even presented our doUserAction()
method as a separate entity. So my first instinct is to create
three classes Presenter, Logic, and
Router. These will most likely change later, but
we need a place to start, right?

The Router will contain only one method and it
will remain fairly similar to the previous implementation.

class Router {

        function doUserAction() {
                (new Presenter())->putMenu();
                if (!isset($_GET['action']))
                (new Logic())->$_GET['action']();


So now we have to explicitly call our putMenu()
method using a new Presenter object and the rest
of the actions will be called using a Logic
object. However, this immediately causes a problem. We have an
action that is not in the Logic class. putHome()
is in the Presenter class. We need to introduce an action in
Logic that will delegate to the Presenter’s
putHome() method. Remember, for the time being we
only want to wrap our existing code into the three classes we
identified as possible candidates for an OO design. We want to
do only what is absolutely necessary to make the design work.
After we have working code, we will change it further.

As soon as we put a putHome() method into the
Logic class we have a dilemma. How to call methods from
Presenter? Well, we could create and pass a Presenter object
into Logic so it always has a reference to presentation. Let’s
do that from our Router.

class Router {

        function doUserAction() {
                (new Presenter())->putMenu();
                if (!isset($_GET['action']))
                (new Logic(new Presenter))->$_GET['action']();


Now we can add a constructor in Logic and add in the delegation
toward putHome() in Presenter.

class Logic {

        private $presenter;

        function __construct(Presenter $presenter) {
                $this->presenter = $presenter;

        function putHome() {



With a few minor adjustments in index.php and
having Presenter wrapping the old display methods, Logic
wrapping the old business logic functions, and Router wrapping
the old action selector, we can actually run our code and have
the “Home” menu element working.

require_once './google-api-php-client/src/Google_Client.php';
require_once './google-api-php-client/src/contrib/Google_CalendarService.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../apiAccess.php';
require_once './functins_google_api.php';
require_once './Presenter.php';
require_once './Logic.php';
require_once './Router.php';

$client = createClient();
if(!authenticate($client)) return;

(new Router())->doUserAction();

And here it is in action.

alt=”oo_home_working” width=”435″ height=”149″ class=
“alignnone size-full wp-image-32858″/>

Next, in our Logic class, we need to properly change calls to
display logic, to work with $this->presenter.
Then we have two methods – isCurrentEvent() and
retrieveEvents() – that are used only inside the
Logic class. We will make them private and change the calls

We will then take the same approach with Presenter class. We
will change all calls to methods to point to
$this->something and make
putTitle(), putLink(), and
putBlock() private, since they are used only from
Presenter. Check out the code in the
GoogleCalObjectOrientedInitial directory in
the attached source code if you have a hard time doing all of
these changes by yourself.

At this point we have a working app. It is mostly procedural
code wrapped in OO syntax, which still uses the
$client global variable and has tons of other
anti-object-oriented smells, but it works.

If we draw the class diagram with dependencies for this code,
it will look like this:

alt=”oo_initial_class_diagram” width=”600″ height=”388″ class=
“alignnone size-full wp-image-32859″/>

Both the flow control and source code dependencies go through
the router, then the logic, and finally through the
presentation. This last change we did actually fades a little
bit of the dependency inversion we observed in our previous
step. But don’t let yourself be fooled. The principle is there,
we just have to make it obvious.

Reverting the Source Code Dependency

It’s hard to say that one SOLID principle is more important
than another, but I think the Dependency Inversion Principle
has the greatest, immediate impact on your design. This
principle states:

A: High-level modules should not depend on
low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions and
B: Abstractions should not depend upon
details. Details should depend upon abstractions.

To put it simply, this means that concrete implementations
should depend on abstract classes. As your classes become
abstract, the less they tend to change. So you can perceive the
problem as: frequently changing classes should depend on other,
much more stable classes. So the most volatile part of any
application is probably its user interface, which would be the
Presenter class in our application. Let’s make this dependency
inversion obvious.

First we will make our Router use only the Presenter and break
its dependency on Logic.

class Router {

        function doUserAction() {
                (new Presenter())->putMenu();
                if (!isset($_GET['action']))
                (new Presenter())->$_GET['action']();


Then we will change Presenter to use an instance of Logic and
ask it for the information it needs to present. In our case, I
consider it acceptable for Presenter to actually create the
instance of Logic, but in any production system, you will
likely have Factories creating the business logic related
objects and injecting them into the presentation layer.

Now, the function putHome(), present in both the
Logic and Presenter classes, will disappear from Logic. This is
a good sign, as we’re removing duplication. The constructor and
reference to Presenter also disappears from Logic. On the other
hand, a constructor creating a Logic object has to be written
on Presenter.

class Presenter {

        private $businessLogic;

        function __construct() {
                $this->businessLogic = new Logic();

        function putHome() {
                print('Welcome to Google Calendar over NetTuts Example');



After those changes, clicking on Show
will however produce a nice error. Because
all of our actions from within the links are pointing to
function names in the Logic class, we will have to do some more
consistent changes to reverse the dependency between the two.
Let’s take it one method at a time. The first error message

Fatal error: Call to undefined method Presenter::printCalendars()
in /[...]/GoogleCalObjectOrientedFinal/Router.php on line 9

So, our Router wants to call a method that does not exist on
Presenter, printCalendars(). Let’s create that
method in Presenter and check what it did in Logic. It printed
a title and then cycled through some calendars and called
putCalendar(). In Presenter the
printCalendars() method will look like this:

function printCalendars() {
        foreach ($this->businessLogic->getCalendars() as $calendar) {

On the other hand, in Logic, the method becomes quite anemic.
Just a forward call to the Google API library.

function getCalendars() {
        global $client;
        return getCalendarList($client)['items'];

This may make you ask yourself two questions, “Do we actually
have a need for a Logic class?” and “Does our application even
have any logic?”. Well, we don’t know yet. For the time being
we will continue the process above, until all of the code
works, and Logic does not depend on Presenter anymore.

So, we will use a printCalendarContents() method
in Presenter, like the one below:

function printCalendarContents() {
        foreach ($this->businessLogic->getEventsForCalendar() as $event) {

Which in turn, will allow us to simplify the
getEventsForCalendar() in Logic, into something
like this.

function getEventsForCalendar() {
        global $client;
        return getEventList($client, htmlspecialchars($_GET['showThisCalendar']))['items'];

Now this works, but I have a concern here. The
$_GET variable is being used in both the Logic and
Presenter classes. Shouldn’t only the Presenter class be using
$_GET? I mean, Presenter absolutely needs to know
about $_GET because it has to create links which
are populating this $_GET variable. So that would
mean that $_GET is strictly HTTP related. Now, we
want our code to work with a CLI or desktop graphical UI. So we
want to keep this knowledge in only the Presenter. This makes
the two methods from above, transform into the two below.

function getEventsForCalendar($calendarId) {
        global $client;
        return getEventList($client, $calendarId)['items'];
function printCalendarContents() {
        $eventsForCalendar = $this->businessLogic->getEventsForCalendar(htmlspecialchars($_GET['showThisCalendar']));
        foreach ($eventsForCalendar as $event) {

Now the last function we have to deal with is for printing a
specific event. For the sake of this example, suppose there is
no way we can retrieve an event directly and we have to find it
by ourselves. Now our Logic class comes in handy. It is a
perfect place to manipulate lists of events and search for a
specific ID:

function getEventById($eventId, $calendarId) {
        foreach ($this->getEventsForCalendar($calendarId) as $event)
                if ($event['id'] == $eventId)
                        return $event;

And then the corresponding call on Presenter will take care of
printing it:

function printEventDetails() {

That’s it. Here we are. Dependency inverted!

alt=”oo_dip_class_diagram” width=”600″ height=”387″ class=
“alignnone size-full wp-image-32857″/>

Control still flows from Logic towards Presenter. The content
presented is totally defined by Logic. If, for example
tomorrow, we want to connect to another calendar service, we
can create another Logic, inject it into Presenter, and
Presenter will not even notice any difference. Also, the source
code dependency was inverted successfully. Presenter is the
only one that creates and directly depends on Logic. This
dependency is crucial in allowing Presenter to change how it
shows data, without effecting anything in Logic. Additionally,
it allows us to switch our HTML Presenter with a CLI Presenter
or any other method of displaying the information to the user.

Getting Rid of the Global Variable

Probably the last remaining serious design flaw is the use of a
global variable for $client. All of the code in
our application has access to it. Miraculously, the only class
actually needing $client is our Logic class. The
obvious step is to make a private class variable. But doing so
requires us to propagate $client through the
Router, into the Presenter, so that it can create a Logic
object with the $client variable. This solves
little of our problems. We need to build our classes in an
isolated place and properly inject the dependencies into each

For any larger class structure we would use Factories, but for
our small example, the index.php file will be a
great place to hold the creation logic. And being the entry
point to our application, aka the “main” file in the high level
architecture schema, it is still outside the boundaries of our
business logic.

alt=”HighLevelDesign” width=”600″ height=”388″ class=
“alignnone size-full wp-image-32856″/>

So we change index.php into the code below,
keeping all of the includes and the session_start() command:

$client = createClient();
if(!authenticate($client)) return;

$logic = new Logic($client);
$presenter = new Presenter($logic);
(new Router($presenter))->doUserAction();

Final Thoughts

And we’re finished. There are surely some other things we could
do to make our design even better. If nothing else, we could
write a couple tests for our methods on the Logic class. Maybe
our Logic class could also be renamed to something more
representative, like GoogleCalendarGateway. Or we could create
Event and Calendar classes to even better control the data and
behavior on these concepts and break the Presenter’s dependency
on an array for these data types. Another improvement and
extension would be to actually create polymorphic action
classes instead of just calling functions by reference from
$_GET. There are endless little things we could do
to further improve even this simple design. I will let you have
this great opportunity to experiment, starting from this final
version of the code you can find in the attached archive under
the GoogleCalObjectOrientedFinal directory.

If you are adventurous, you can extend this little application
to connect to other calendar services and present information
in different ways and on different platforms. For all of you
using NetBeans, each source code folder contains a NetBeans
project, so you should be able to directly open them. In the
final version, PHPUnit is also prepared for you, but in rest of
the projects, I removed it because we did no testing.

Thank you for reading.

From Procedural to Object Oriented PHP – Tuts+ Code Tutorial.
