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TDD Terminology Simplified

w1129The core idea of Test-Driven Development (TDD) is writing tests
before writing any functional code, and then writing only the
least possible amount of code required to make the tests pass.
It may sound strange to develop in this fashion, but it’s
actually quite useful, as the test base doubles as a partial
specification of the main code.

Given such a simple premise, however, there is an amazing
amount of terminology and techniques. In this article, I gather
the most important terms and buzzwords that you might hear, and
define them.

Terminology Reference

Acceptance Testing

Test-first programming allows for high level functional

The highest level of testing validates that the software meets
the customer’s requirements. Acceptance testing is commonly run
in environments as close to production as possible. See
functional testing and
system testing.


Assertions are statements that perform an actual check on the
software’s output. In general, a single function called
assert is enough to express any check. In
practice, test libraries often have many assert functions to
meet specific needs (such as assertFalse,
assertEqual and more) to offer better analysis and
friendlier output.

Behavior Testing

A testing technique that incorporates “#test-double”>test doubles to the software, asserting that
it calls correct methods in a correct order. See “#mock”>mock for an example. Also see “#state-testing”>state testing.

Behavior-Driven Development (BDD)

A subset of TDD driven by the need of clearer communication and
proper documentation. BDD is perhaps the biggest recent
development in TDD.

Its core idea is to replace confusing and developer-centric
terminology (tests, suites,
assertions etc) with ubiquitous language
that all participating stakeholders (including non-technical
staff, and, possibly, clients) can understand.

See user story.

Black-Box Testing

A general principle in testing where the person writing tests
does not know or avoids the internals of the software, choosing
instead to test the public interface of the software strictly
by its interface or specification. See “#white-box-testing”>white-box testing.

Boundary-Value Testing

A strategy for writing tests to catch off-by-one and other
similar types of errors. To perform boundary-value testing,
test the inputs around certain possibly problematic boundaries.
In case of integers, this might be 0,
-1, MIN_INT, MAX_INT and
other similar values.


Assertions are statements that perform an actual check on the
software’s output.

A dummy is a type of test double
that is never used by the actual software, but is only used in
testing to fill required parameters.


Fakes are test doubles that
implement the required functionality in a way that is useful in
testing, but which also effectively disqualifies it from being
used in production environment. For example, a key-value
database that stores all values in memory and loses them after
every execution potentially allows tests to run faster, but its
tendency to destroy data would not allow it to be used in


A particular environment that must be set up before a test can
be run. It generally consists of setting up all test doubles
and other dependencies for the software under test: such as
inserting predefined data into a fake
database, setting up certain directory structure in the fake
file system, setting up properties on the dependencies of
software under test.

Functional Testing

A high level testing activity verifying that all business
requirements of the product are met. Functional testing
commonly involves using user stories
to focus on a higher level of requirements to cover as many
usage scenarios as possible. See “#acceptance-testing”>acceptance testing and “#system-testing”>system testing. For example:

# In this example we check that the about page of the website is working as expected
open ''
clickOn 'about us'
assertThereIs 'We are a small Example company'


A colloquialism for a passing collection of tests, or sometimes
a particular passing test. See red.

Integration Testing

A mid-level testing activity that verifies a certain set of
modules work correctly together. Integration tests are like
unit tests without using test doubles for a certain subset of
dependencies, essentially testing the interactions between the
software its dependencies. Example:

# In this example we check that the newly registered user,
# who was referred by another user, gets an on-site "friendship" created.
# Here we check the interaction between the form controller,
# database, and a User active record
db = new Fake Db
u1 = db.createUser(name='john')
RegistrationForm(db, name='kate', referred='john').save()


A type of test double created for a
particular test or “#test-case”>test case. It expects to be called a specific
number of times and gives a predefined answer. At the end of
the test, a mock raises an error if it was not called as many
times as expected. A mock with strict expectations is part of
the assertion framework. Example:

# In this example we use a mock database to check that the form
# uses the database to store the new user.
# If the database has not been called at the end of the test,
# the mock itself will raise an assertion error.
db = new Mock Db
RegistrationForm(db, name='john').save()


A way to extend and change the behavior of existing objects and
classes in a programming language. Monkey-patching can be used
as an alternative to dependency injection and “#test-double”>test doubles by directly modifying existing
functions that are called by the software under test (and
changing them back after the test).

# In this example we replace the standard library function
# to prevent the test from using a real filesystem
filesystem.listdir = f (name) -> ['.', '..', 'foo', 'bar'];
assertEqual(MyFileSearch('foo').count(), 1)


A colloquialism for a failing collection of tests or sometimes
a particular failing test. See green.


The process of improving implementation details of code without
changing its functionality.

Refactoring without tests is a very brittle process, as the
developer doing the refactoring can never be sure that his
improvements are not breaking some parts of functionality.

If the code was written using test-driven development, the
developer can be sure that his refactoring was successful as
soon as all tests pass, as all the required functionality of
the code is still correct.


A software defect which appears in a particular feature after
some event (usually a change in the code).

Scenario Testing

See functional testing.


A process of preparing a fixture. See
teardown. Example:

# In this example we prepare a fake database with some fake values
# that we will need across multiple tests
db = new Fake Db
db.createFriendship('john', 'kate')

State Testing

A form of unit testing when the testing code provides “#test-double”>test doubles to and asserts that the state
of these doubles has been modified in a correct fashion. See
behavior testing.

# In this example, like in an example on mock objects,
# we will check that the form uses the database to store the new user.
# This time we will check state, instead of behavior
db = new Fake Db
RegistrationForm(db, name='john').save()
assertInList('john', db.listUsers())


Fakes are test doubles that are
never used by the actual software.

A type of test double that can reply
to the software being tested with predefined answers. Unlike
mocks, however, stubs do not usually check
if they have been called properly, but rather only make sure
that the software can call its dependencies.

System Testing

A high level testing activity when the entirety of the software
is tested top to bottom. This includes “#functional-testing”>functional testing, as well as
checking other characteristics (such as performance and


An abbreviation for software under test. Used to
distinguish the software under test from its dependencies.


A process of cleaning up a fixture. In
garbage-collected languages, this functionality is mostly
handled automatically. See setup.


The smallest possible check for correctness. For example, a
single test for a web form could be a check that, when given an
invalid email address, the form warns the user and suggests a
fix. See test case.

Test Case

A collection of tests grouped by an
attribute. For example, a test case for a web form could be a
collection of tests checking the behavior of the form for
different valid and invalid inputs.

function t1:
        RegistrationForm(name='john', password='horse battery staple correct').save()

function t2:
    assertError(MissingPassword, RegistrationForm(name='john').save())

function t3:
    assertError(StupidPassword, RegistrationForm(name='john', password='password').save())

Test Coverage

User stories are usually defined in human languages to focus
on user experience instead.

Any kind of metric that attempts to estimate the likelihood of
important behavior of the SUT still not covered by tests. Most
popular techniques include different kinds of code
: techniques that make sure that all possible code
statements (or functions, or logical branches in the code) have
been executed during testing.

Test Cycle

A process of TDD development. Given that TDD development starts
with writing a few tests, it is clear that the “#test-suite”>test suite starts red. As
soon as the developer implements all newly tested
functionality, tests turn green. Now the
developer can safely refactor his
implementation without the risk of introducing new bugs, as he
has a test suite to rely on. Once refactoring is complete, the
developer can start the cycle again by writing more tests for
more new functionality. Thus, the red-green-refactor test

Test Double

Test doubles are objects the test code creates and passes to
the SUT to replace real dependencies. For example, “#unit-testing”>unit tests should be very fast and only
test a particular piece of software.

For these reasons, its dependencies, such as a database or
file system interaction libraries, are usually replaced by
objects that act in memory instead of talking to a real
database or file system.

There are four main categories of test doubles: “#dummy”>dummies, fakes, “#stub”>stubs, and mocks.

Test Suite

A collection of test cases that test a
large portion of software. Alternatively, all test cases for a
particular software.

Test-First Programming

White-box testing allows a deeper analysis of possible
problems in the code.

Test-first programming is a slightly broader term for
test-driven development. While TDD promotes tight coupling
between writing tests (usually unit
) and writing the code, test-first programming allows
for high level functional tests instead. However, the
distinction in general usage is rarely noted, and two the terms
are usually used interchangeably.

Unit Testing

The lowest level testing technique consisting of test cases for
the smallest possible units of code. A single unit test usually
checks only a particular small behavior, and a unit “#test-case”>test case usually covers all functionality of
a particular single function or class.

User Story

A single description of a particular group of people willing to
perform a particular task using the SUT to achieve a particular
goal. User stories are usually defined in human languages,
using simple, user-centric terms to avoid considering
implementation details and to focus on user experience instead.
For example:

As a user, I want to be able to find my friends on this website by my address book, instead of looking for them one by one, because that will save me a lot of time.

White-Box Testing

White-box testing is a testing technique when a person
performing the testing knows about, or can read, the internals
of the SUT. Unlike the more common “#black-box-testing”>black-box testing, white-box testing
allows a deeper analysis of possible problems in the code.

For example, a particular “#boundary-value-testing”>boundary value might not look
like one based solely on the specification of the software,
but it might be obvious from the implementation of it.

In addition, any test coverage
techniques are usually, by definition, a part of white-box

TDD Terminology Simplified – Tuts+ Code Article.
