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Category Archives: Business Management

Performance Management and KPIs – Management Skills

Performance Management and KPIs Linking Activities to Vision and Strategy [if IE 9]>< ![endif][if IE 9]>< ![endif] Managers talk a lot about employee performance. There’s constant pressure to achieve performance targets, to reach higher performance levels, and to ensure that people’s work supports and furthers

What Is Strategy? The Three Levels of Strategy

What Is Strategy? The Three Levels of Strategy Learn about the three levels of strategy, in this video. / vidright You’ve probably heard the term “business strategy” used in the workplace. But what is strategy, exactly? And are you aware that you need different types

The Vroom-Yetton Decision Model

The Vroom-Yetton Decision Model Deciding How to Decide Steer your decision-making process in the right direction. How you go about making a decision can involve as many choices as the decision itself. Sometimes you have to take charge, and decide what to do on your
