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Category Archives: Scrum

Scrum Overhead Planning

How much time should a team devote and managers allocate to sprint overhead? That is, activities related to the scrum processes itself. Other than the time spent on development, producing deliverable, time must be spent on sprint planning, sprint review, sprint retrospective, backlog grooming, and

Sprint Retrospectives in Practice

Retrospectives, and why you need them A couple of months ago we looked at how to conduct a Sprint Review. We saw that a Review considers what work was done, and distinguished it from a Sprint Retrospective which reflects upon how work is being done. The

Using Agile/Scrum in a Digital Agency

Over the last year or so, our team embarked on moving from a typical Waterfall development approach to implementing a Scrum/Agile approach. While there are plenty of good blogs about making this transition from a development standpoint, I have not seen a lot of good
