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Tag Archives: JavaScript

Master web development with these 9,985 weird tricks

Ladies and gentleman, I would like to introduce you to Know It All, a tool to help you discover what you don’t yet know about web development. A few months ago I was lucky enough to come down with a brain-nibbling virus that has made

State of JavaScript

Over nine thousand developers took part in the first edition of the State Of JavaScript survey. They answered questions on topics ranging from front-end frameworks and state management, to build tools and testing libraries. You’ll find out which libraries developers most want to learn next,

MEAN’s great, but then you grow up.

The MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, Node.js) is now being heralded as the new LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP), the preferred technology stack for startups. MEAN is certainly a great technology choice for organizations (particularly startups) seeking to rapidly prototype a capability. However, like all

Journey Through The JavaScript MVC Jungle

When writing a Web application from scratch, it’s easy to feel like we can get by simply by relying on a DOM1 manipulation library (like jQuery362) and a handful of utility plugins. The problem with this is that it doesn’t take long to get lost
