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Monthly Archives: April 2015

6 apps to supercharge your prototyping | Webdesigner Depot

6 apps to supercharge your prototyping newsignle-twrap Being a user centered designer means a significant portion of my responsibility involves prototyping concepts to gain feedback for various designs that solve actual business problems. That means iteratively sketching or wireframing ideas early and often in the

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PasswordPusher – secure password transmission

Get passwords securely from clients All passwords are encrypted prior to storage and are available to only those with the direct link. Once expired, encrypted passwords are unequivocally deleted from the database. About PasswordPusher Find us on: @Twitter, @Github & @Tumblr   PasswordPusher.

One-page web design patterns

Back in the early years of the web, one of the most recurring usability mantras was that users don’t scroll past the fold. As a consequence, web designers were encouraged not to make pages that were too “scroll-intensive”: instead, they should leverage on granular and

Using CSS flexible boxes

The CSS3 Flexible Box, or flexbox, is a layout mode providing for the arrangement of elements on a page such that the elements behave predictably when the page layout must accommodate different screen sizes and different display devices. For many applications, the flexible box model

Responsive Web Design Patterns — Web Fundamentals

Most layouts used by responsive web pages can be categorized into one of five patterns: mostly fluid, column drop, layout shifter, tiny tweaks and off canvas. In some cases, a page may use a combination of patterns, for example column drop and off canvas. These
